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They have unique properties that make them particularly suitable for some applications, including their small droplet size, high surface area, good physical stability, rapid digestibility, and high bioavailability. Nanoemulsions are thermodynamically unstable colloidal dispersions that consist of at least two immiscible liquids (typically oil and water), as well as various stabilizers (including emulsifiers, texture modifiers, ripening inhibitors, and weighting agents). Nanotechnology is being utilized in various industries to increase the quality, safety, shelf-life, and functional performance of commercial products. Among the most commonly incorporated side effects of caffeine, ingestion is anxiety and heart palpitations. In periods of sleep deprivation, it can improve vigilance and alertness. It does not cause harmful changes in urination, water loss, sweating rate, and fluid balance.

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Caffeine has beneficial effects in several features of exercise such as extended aerobic-type activities, fixed-term activities, brief duration activities, high-intensity prolonged exercise as in team sports, and strength/power activities. Caffeine may enhance the re-synthesis of glycogen during the recovery phase from exercise. The ergogenic effects of caffeine are significant after consumption of doses 3 to 6 mg/kg/body weight, 15 to 60 min pre-exercise (it depends on the form), mainly due to the Central Nervous System. cirrhosis, fibrosis, liver cancer, and chronic liver disease) and a wide range of other health outcomes, while, there are no decisive deleterious relations with any health outcomes, except for pregnancy. There are favorable relations between coffee use and liver outcomes (e.g. This narrative review seeks to present the most recent scientific literature on the role of caffeine consumption on individuals' health and athletic performance. Karger AG, BaselĬaffeine is considered a very popular, extensively ingested substance among the general population and athletes or recreational exercisers.

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Moreover, caffeine contained in cosmetics increases the microcirculation of blood in the skin and also stimulates the growth of hair through inhibition of the 5-alpha-reductase activity. It helps protect cells against the UV radiation and slows down the process of photoaging of the skin. Caffeine has potent antioxidant properties. This alkaloid stimulates the degradation of fats during lipolysis through inhibition of the phosphodiesterase activity. As for a cosmetic purpose, caffeine is used as an active compound in anti-cellulite products because it prevents excessive accumulation of fat in cells. The commercially available topical formulations of caffeine normally contain 3% caffeine. This alkaloid is frequently used as a hydrophilic model substance in human and animal skin penetration as well as different synthetic membrane using Franz diffusion cell experiments. Caffeine is being increasingly used in cosmetics due to its high biological activity and ability to penetrate the skin barrier.

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